Monday, November 30, 2015

Wk #9: Hello Loved Ones!

Hello my friends and family! I hope that this email finds all of you in health, happy spirits, and in continued service to our Savior! How amazing is it that as Latter Day Saints we have the the opportunity to be a light to those lost in the dark!
     What I have to say this week is something that I feel very strongly about. It's been a personal lesson I've learned (and am still learning) in these short 2 months. Simply put, it's this: When we ask for blessings we have to be willing to put forth the effort to receive them. For example, when we pray for humility, the Lord doesn't just snap his fingers and say, "Ok you're a humble person! What else do you want?" He puts trials or experiences in our lives that will humble us. We have to be willing to endure these things. Faith is a two part process. first we have to have the faith (duh.) And second we have to show our faith with action. If you ask for humility, prepare to  be humbled and endure it with faith. If you ask for patience, Prepare to have something (or someone) in your life that is going to force you to learn patience. 
     Alright, I'll stop preaching now and talk about my actual experiences in ARGENTINA! (; Wow, what a week. I can't tell if the weeks fly by or if they are dragging on. It's odd. A lot of it is because my Spanish is still struggling and it has become very challenging. Either way, soy siempre aprendiendo! I taught my first lesson this week and it was an awesome experience! Sure, the guy laughed in our faces about Joseph Smith, but I still had the experience to teach. I haven't touched a guitar in 2 months and I'm dying inside. Seriously it's eating me alive haha. I'm still dealing with the culture shock, but it's getting better! It helps when the people are as amazing as they are. They're so loving and generous. 
      As always, thank you for your support and prayers. I was lifted up this week and brought to new heights. And I believe that it's because of those prayers.Yeah, this week was hard. But it was better. And I come closer to Christ each day. I hope all is well. I love you all! I pray for you always. 
     May we be blessed with the wind at our backs and the strength to press on so that we may further build his kingdom upon this earth.

Con amor,
Elder Holmes
Fell asleep during personal study! Pure exhaustion.

The chapel he meets in

The streets after the downpour